Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to configure outlook 2007 for Google Apps

Configure Outlook For Google Apps Account

1.Configuring your Google Apps Mail : Open your Google Apps mail account.Click on settings and Enable the “Forwarding and POP” Settings as shown below.Forward and Imap Settings
Click the Radio box “Enable POP for all Mail “ and Save your Settings by clicking the Save changes Button.
2.Configuring Microsoft Outlook :
  • Open MS-Outlook and from the Tools Menu select “Account Settings”.Create a New account from the E mail Tab.
  • If you are prompted to choose Email service select  Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP, and click Next.
  • Fill the Necessary fields and Hit Next.Remember to check the Checkbox “ Manually Configure Server Settings or additional Server types”.
    email acoount settings
  • Select “Internet Email “ and Click Next.
  • Enter the Settings as Shown in the following screenshot :email acoount settings2
    Leave the Option “ Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)” unchecked.
  • Now Click on “More Settings” and Select the “Outgoing Server “ acoount settings3
    Check the Checkbox “ My outgoing server(SMTP) requires authentication “.
    Check the radio Button “ Use same Settings as my incoming mail Server “.
  • Now Select the Advanced tab and Modify as shown :email acoount settings4
    Set the Incoming Server (POP3) port number as 995 and Set the Outgoing Server (SMTP) port number as 587
    Use “TLS” as the Encrypted Connection.
  • Now Click Ok.
Test your Account Settings : You can test your Account Settings by Clicking  “ Test Account Settings “. This will Invoke outlook and Outlook will send a test-mail to the account specified.After you get the mail it is confirmed that your settings are Working fine.Click Next and then Finish

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Simple Tips to Improve your Web Accessibility

Web accessibility is the idea of making websites easily accessed by all types of people including those with certain disabilities, different languages, or lack of access to certain technology. The notion is derived from the fact that all people should be given equal opportunity to access websites regardless of their limitations. It is important for you to consider that a certain percentage of your site’s visitors will be in this category. Moreover, if your website is easily accessible to all people, this will increase the frequency people will view and use your website. When websites are properly designed, developed and edited, your web accessibility will increase because all people will be able to use, function, and navigate through your site with ease. To state the obvious, people will not visit a site that they find difficult to utilize. Therefore, increasing your web accessibility is a precursor to increasing your site’s traffic. Below is a list of various ways to increase your web accessibility, through simple modifications to your website. In my opinion, no matter what stage you are in the website process, every step of the way, you should consider making your website more user-friendly. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions, and remember to post comments. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

How To Backup Your Gmail Account To YOUR Hard Drive

Do you use Gmail? Of course you do – doesn’t everybody?

The Google gives you tons of space to store your precious email and attachments. We have found ways to use that space for our evil practical ways.

We all know The Google backs up regularly and runs some of the biggest redundant data centers in the world, but do you really trust your emails from your long lost girlfriend attachments of your trip to that sci fi convention important work emails and attachments with them?

Wouldn’t you feel safer with a backup of your own?

Of course you would young Admin! It is one of the rules I preach daily as a Network Administrator.

BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP! He who laughs last usually has a backup…

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