Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Unobtrosive Bubble Tooltips with Javascript and CSS

Bubble Tooltips are an easy way to add (via a bit of CSS and javascript) fancy tooltips with a balloon shape to any web page. They operate this way:

  1. A check for DOM support is performed
  2. If found, the title and href attributes of links are extracted from the page and they’re injected into a DOM structure
  3. When the mouse is rolled over a link, the related tooltip (styled with CSS) is displayed

Bubble Tooltips are unobtrosive and for browsers with bad DOM support or javascript disabled, the plain title of links will be displayed. Compatibility is quite good: they’ve been tested with success in IE5, IE5.5 and IE6 on Win, Opera 8.5, Safari 2.0 and Firefox 1.5.


Requirements: Internet Explorer 5.0+, Opera 8.5+, Safari 2.0+, Firefox 1.5+
License: License Free

CSSplay 15 Professional Horizontal Menus for Download

CSSplay has released 15 professional horizontal menus. All using the sliding doors technique so that the menu items will fit the text. These menus work in all the latest browsers. Some of them are Mac style, and some of them are Windows Vista style. You can use them in both personal and commercial projects. You can use these menus as part of your application interface. You can also use it in your “Paid Projects” for your clients.



Requirements: No Requirements
License: License Free

E-junkie Shopping Cart

FatFreeCart is the free version of E-junkie shopping cart. Get Google CheckoutIt works inside your website, your blog and will even work from your MySpace page. It is simply a copy-paste cart and does not require you to register with us or install anything.

FatFreeCart works with PayPal and Google Checkout. It supports product variations, shipping, handling and sales tax. On top of being certified by PayPal and Google, it has been successfully tested on humans and they absolutely love it (which means higher conversion rates for you). FatFreeCart is also the only serious cart with a somewhat funny name.


Requirements: No Requirements
License: License Free

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Comments Niceforms 1.0 Released

Sometimes, designing pretty forms with high usability is really hard even with lots of tutorials about how to design forms with CSS. Now, there is a very beautiful forms for you to download and use. You can also design your own theme for it if you do not like the default theme. Niceforms is a script that will replace the most commonly used form elements with custom designed ones.

Requirements: Firefox 1.5+, Internet Explorer 6.0+, Safari and Opera
License: License Free

Lightbox – Elegant and Animated Gallery

Lightbox 2Sometime, we need a way to show one or a set of images in a more elegant way. Lightbox is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the web pages. It is extremely easy to setup and works on all modern browsers. The best thing of it is that if you have a set of images, the script will preload all images before you clicked to the next image. So that you do not have to wait for loading everytime you click to the next image.

* Lightbox uses the Prototype Framework and Scriptaculous Effects Library.

Requirements: Any Modern Browsers
License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License

Openads Open Source Ads Management Tool

Openads We usually put some ads on our website or web application. We need a system to display different campaigns and monitor the performance of campaigns. Openads is the best open source ads management tool I have even seen. Tens of thousands of websites are using Openads to make money from online advertising.

Ads can come in all sorts of formats from images to movies, flash to popups and everything in between. Openads administrative interface lets you choose to enable or disable a campaign at any time.

Openads lets you run campaigns from many advertisers at the same time by loading ad program tags into Openads, e.g. Google Adsense, Double Click and Valueclick Media,etc.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Unobtrusive Keyboard Accessible Date Picker

No one in their right mind likes pop-up windows and personally, the thought of embedding JavaScript blocks within the (X)HTML just doesn’t do it for Brian, so, Brian coded an Unobtrusive Date-Picker that was accessible using the keyboard and suitable for use within documents served as application/xhtml+xml (as no document.write statements are used). The date-picker attempts to auto-detect the language of the users browser installation and download the corresponding language file from the server. And also, it has the nice fade in and fade out effect.

Requirements: Modern Browsers with Javascript Enabled
License: Creative Commons License

Table Sorter By Jquery


tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell. It has many useful features including:

  • Multi-column sorting
  • Parsers for sorting text, URIs, integers, currency, floats, IP addresses, dates (ISO, long and short formats), time. Add your own easily
  • Support for ROWSPAN and COLSPAN on TH elements
  • Support secondary "hidden" sorting (e.g., maintain alphabetical sort when sorting on other criteria)
  • Extensibility via widget system
  • Cross-browser: IE 6.0+, FF 2+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+
  • Small code size
Click here to download

Phatfusion Image Menu with Mootools

Phatfusion image menu

version 2.2

horizontal menu, reveals more of the image as you rollover it.


  • 2 optional onClick events - open & close
  • href passed to onClick events
  • stays open when clicked
  • closes when clicked
  • select item to pre-open


var myMenu = new ImageMenu('imageMenu', {


a function to execute when an item is clicked open. If there is an href within the li then that is passed to the function.
same as above but when clicked closed.
width in px of the items when rolled over. default: 200
default: Fx.Transitions.quadOut
the length of the transition. default: 400
the id or index of the item to open on start. default: null
a px value to tweak the widths when an item is open. default: 0

browser compatibility

  • Firefox 2 (mac / pc)
  • IE 7
  • IE 6
  • Safari (mac)



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