Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PHP Residence: Hotel Management Software

Php-residence is an open source program for hotel management developed by DigitalDruid.Net. Thanks to the great flexibility of its web interface it can satisfy a wide range of demands, from those of vacation houses with few apartments to those of hotels with hundreds of rooms. Its main features are:

  • Configurable number and characteristics of apartments, periods, rates, etc.
  • Automatic assignment of the apartments with user defined rules. Details ->
  • Possibility to add weekly-daily or percentage extra costs to the rates. Details ->
  • Visualization of documents with inserted data for printing. Details ->
  • Creation of templates to check availability from an internet site. Details ->
  • Multi-user with privileges system. Details ->
  • Management of apartments and stockrooms items inventory. Details ->
  • Comparative statistics about occupancy and revenues. Details ->
  • Software released under AGPL license (free and modifiable) plus proprietary modules.
  • In english, italian and spanish plus modules for other languages.
  • Backup of all its data on a single text file.

You can start using php-residence instantly by activating its hosting service. On the hosting service you will find already pre-installed the php-residence add-on modules that, once integrated with your website, enable you to collect reservations from Internet without additional commissions and synchronizing with your Booking.Com account.


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